Is there a difference between paste the paper & paste the wall? Well apart from the obvious which is applying wallpaper paste to paper or the wall before any wallpaper is hung. Another difference is that each way paper has its specified paste suitable for that wallpaper grade. Paste the paper paste tends to be a diluted water paste. We sell the Solvite wallpaper paste here at Wallpaper Shop.

What is the difference between paste the wall and paste the paper paste?
The major difference between “paste the wall” and normal standard wallpaper is in their construction. Paste the wall tends to be thicker, heavier, and normally a nonwoven substance that acts like a mesh. I have found that “paste the wall” papers are much stronger and more durable than paste the paper and do not expand when the paste is applied. And its also a simple difference. You have to paste the paper if it specifies this. But with a paste the wall wallpaper you can do either.

Which is best paste the wall or paste the paper?
Personally, I find paste the wall so much easier. And these are the reasons why. You just paste the wall only and then apply the wallpaper. When you paste the paper I have found it to be quite messy because you have to first soak paste the paper with the paste which then can stretch the wallpaper and its starts to get tricky to line it up. I just love to brush the paste on the wall and then work the paper onto it.

Are Paste The Wall Wallpapers Better Quality Than Paste The Paper.
I have found that paste the wall wallpapers are normally much higher quality papers. Paste the paper they can misshapen, stretch, or rip as you take them soaked in paste to the wall. Once soaked they become floppy and the process can become messy if you are not an expert decorator. Paste the wall wallpapers are quite often thick vinyl and because they are not sodden wet when you apply it to the wall I feel that is why a paste the wall wallpaper will always get my vote.

What’s the difference between wallpaper paste and adhesive?
Wallpaper adhesive or wallpaper paste is a specific adhesive, based on modified starch, methylcellulose, or clay used to fix wallpaper to walls. When using nonwoven or glass fibre wallpaper—paper that does not expand —the adhesive is applied to the wall instead.
Why Does Wallpaper Expand?
Paste the paper wallpaper will expand upon the application of the paste. This can make it tricky for DIYers who do not wallpaper frequently. Depending on the quality of the paste the paper wallpaper it will stretch and if you are not careful this is where tears can easily happen. I will do a blog post on how to cut wet wallpaper very soon. As I found this was a predicament that I came across once the wallpaper was on the wall. But more on how to cut wet wallpaper later on.
Is Paste The Wall Paste Different To Normal Paste?
What is the difference between Paste the Wall and Paste the Paper wallpaper? The difference between these types of wallpaper is the method of applying or activating the paste before hanging the paper on the wall. When you use Paste-the-Wall wallpaper, the paste is applied directly on to the wall before hanging each strip of wallpaper. I have found this method less messy and gooey.

Can I Use Paste The Paper Paste On The Wall?
Yes you can, but if it specifically says paste the paper then that means that the paper has to be pasted and left for normally around 10 minutes for the paste to absorb into the paper for it to stick to the wall. But if it is paste the wall wallpaper you can apply the paste to the paper or wall.
The Best Way To Apply Wallpaper?
If you are confident in your wallpaper skills then do it yourself. I have attempted it myself for a small wall that was hidden mainly by floor to ceiling wardrobes. I spent £12.95 on a roll of wallpaper and attempted to hang it myself. But if the wallpaper was an expensive one and it was a bigger job I would pay the experts to come in and do the job for me. It was nice to have a go on my own but it was a messy job I was happy to finish.

How Much Does A Decorator Cost Per Day?
Typically here in the North Manchester area you will pay roughly around £150 + per day for a professional to come in and wallpaper. So say you are doing a feature wall it wont cost you a full day.
A word of advice though and that would be to order your wallpaper in advance. And once it does arrive be sure to check over the wallpaper for any defects. This happened to me before I worked here at Wallpaper Shop where I had a faulty wallpaper batch. This rarely happens but I am fully aware of the trouble when you have decorators booked months in advance to then find a fault.
By ordering your wallpaper in advance it gives you plenty of time to check that everything is ready to go. And due to postal strikes on the increase that if you order your wallpaper with hardly any time to spare you run the risk of it delays or lost in the post. Again these are rare situations but they can happen. So order your chosen wallpaper in plenty of advance.
Which Is The Best Wallpaper Paste To Use?
We recommend using the brand Solvite Wallpaper Paste. This company produces a collection of different pastes that can be used universally.
To Paste Or Not To Paste?
Well for any person out there who just does not want to go anywhere near sloppy wallpaper paste. There is a new wallpaper where no paste is involved. And that is our peel & stick wallpaper. This self-adhesive wallpaper has no mess. It is just a process of measuring, cutting, and sticking into place. And my advice with this self-adhesive wallpaper would be to purchase a wallpaper smoother. And I stipulate this strongly because this is the game changer when it comes to pasting the paper, wall, or the peel & stick wallpapers. This handy tool just helps smooth out bubbles and stick any edges down easily. Look at all our Artistick peel & stick wallpapers.
Please check out our how to wallpaper guide here.
If you want to know all the new trends for 2023 interiors be sure to look at this blog post.