Lemon wallpaper is fastly creeping in as the new trend to be looking out for in 2022. This fruity burst of colour can be seen in all the latest look books for fabric, wallpaper, and home accessories. At the home shows this year we spotted lemon decorations everywhere. I was delighted, no I was ecstatic because ever since I visited Italy around 7 years ago I have been obsessed with all things lemon. Finally after all these years I get my wish to flourish my home with lemon decor.
Fruity Lemon Wallpaper
So what makes this fun sunshine colour stand out and is now going to be the on-trend style for this year. Well ask yourself what is your immediate reaction when you see this vibrant colour? It instantly makes your smile, lifts your mood and makes your think of Summer days.
A bright yellow glow wallpaper will enlighten and lift a room and bring a ray of sunshine into your home.
Fruit Lemon Prints
Apart from being inspired by a trip to Europe and seeing fruit lemony prints on almost everything. I first fell in love a few months earlier with the Dolce & Gabbana Italian Summer Lemons collection. This collection was pure inspiration not only did it resemble Italian couture it looked young and fresh. The zesty lemon fruit was emblazed onto dresses, bags and silk scarfs. when this collection launched every other high street clothing store jumped on this enviable print and started to mass produce similar designs.

History Of Lemons
The first lemon is thought to have grown in Assam in northern India. Studies show that this fruit is a hybrid between a sour orange and citron. Lemons then entered Italy via the the time of ancient Rome. And here is an amazing fact I read from Wikipedia but in 1747, James Lind‘s experiments on seamen suffering from scurvy involved adding lemon juice to their diets, though vitamin C was not yet known as an important dietary ingredient.
Zesty Lemon Wallpapers
So as discussed at the beginning of this article, Lemon wallpaper will no doubt bring a splash of colour to your abode. So I hope you have seen a lemon wallpaper that tickles your fancy and will inspire you to create a cheery room. By adding a colour yellow wallpaper pantone you will constantly feel a glow of sunshine in your home.