Black Wallpaper
Black wallpaper happens to be a very popular colour to choose, when it comes to selecting a for your room. Now before you gasp in horror at the instant thought of it looking dark and gothic please do not gasp. We stock the most luxurious wall covers in all kinds of designs, patterns & styles. We sell glitter wallpaper, floral wallpaper, black damask wallpaper, black geometric wallpaper, black wallpaper HD, plain pure black wallpaper. The list is endless.
But I can still hear you gasping in horror at the thought of decorating with this bold colour. Ok then let’s take for example the trend setting TV show Keeping Up With The Kardashians. What is the first colour you think of when I say Kardashian? Yes, that is right it is the colour black. Black interiors, black fashion, black cars you name it their whole style is monochrome black & white. I like to watch the programme as their taste in home furnishings is impeccable. (helps if you have millions of dollars for employing the best interiors stylists).
Black Wallpaper – Dark Aesthetic Ideas
Anyway, let us move on to the fact that they use black everywhere. And yet their homes are bang on trend, elegant and bright. They mix up using black & white in every room, so the entire home looks streamlined. So how can we use black in our homes so that is does not look gloomy? So, let us take for instance the living room. If you are lucky to move into a new build home and you will have cream walls everywhere. Lets style and put some black living room wallpaper in and lift the room.
Say you have a newbuildhome and scared of using this colour on every wall, then why not just have a feature wall. Use encrusted black glitter wallpaper on the wall where that gorgeous modern fireplace stands. Or use a damask pattern on the wall that the sofa is placed up against. Now that does not sound too scary to add to the room does it? Can you see the picture of the transformation in your head? Cream walls and one black stylish feature wall.

Dark Colour Kitchen & Bathroom Ideas
Using black bathroom wallpaper or black kitchen wallpaper is an easy one. We have lots of tile designs, some with glitter or marble wallpaper. You could use these on all walls or just a feature wall. But if you have bright high gloss kitchen cabinets the light reflecting from these will no doubt allow you to then decorate the walls in a dark aesthetic wallpaper.
Now you are starting to clam down at the thought of using this classic hue in the house lets move on to the bedroom. So, for the bedroom instantly I am going to suggest you use our exclusive designer Versace black wallpaper. The Versace Greek Key Luxury Satin is perfect for creating an elegant flair to your boudoir. Thisdesign is just gorgeous, and we stock it in all colours, so if you are still dubious of using black you could select the gold or grey colourway.
Black wallpaper is perfect for any teenager’s bedroom we have some amazing cool black skull wallpaper patterns. Some of these designs have glitter or florals on them, which add a little subtle flair to them. It is a perfect colour for that teenage boy or girl in your life who does not want the standard blue or pink colours. We have the popular skull wallpaper and we have the modern black brick wallpaper which is plain or has graffiti on it which just looks amazing.
Mono Chrome Hues
If you do not want to use all black but still love the colour, then I would suggest you use black & white colourway. Buy using these two palettes you will still create that bold impact, and we have a few styles I think you will love. We have the modern vibe black & white striped wallpaper, this by far is one of our top selling wallpapers. Or if you want some a little softer and feminine then I would opt for the black & white floral wallpaper.
If you want to liven the room up, I suggest using some art deco accessories in silver, gold, or rose gold. Add some sumptuous cushions, furnishings or even our Catherine Lansfield Velvet Duvet Set in blush pink. Dare to be bold with using these added extra pieces in a room. Can you see your interior coming together by just using these handy hints, tips and room ideas?

So, I hope in reading this blog post you feel less inhibited on daring to use the classic colour. I know we can not live like a Kardashian by driving fast sleek cars, or jet around the world staying in our holiday homes. But we could have our home style like a Kardashian if we use black when we style a room (I just love our black pineapple wallpaper this is just capital G for Glamorous).
Share Before & After
Now go on and order that cool block colour for your walk-in wardrobe room. And do not forget to send us all your before and after photos so we can share on our Instagram page We will be happy to share all your before & after shots of your newly decorated room. My secret guilty pleasure is to scroll through Instagram & Facebook and spendless endless amounts of time just looking at before & after shots.