Anaglypta wallpaper is defiantly one of the most versatile wallpapers out there. I mean you have paintable anaglypta wallpaper, modern anaglypta and Victorian anaglypta. And that is just to name a few. The reason that this wallpaper is very popular.
Anaglypta wallpaper has been around for eons and eons of time. I remember as a little girls seeing it in everyone’s hallways and stairs. And that was 30years ago. The great thing about it was you could transform the room with just a lick of paint. And do not get me started on the amount of times my mum repainted all the scuff marks we left as kids. It was constant but then it looked brand new again. And you had to really look hard to see where we had caused damage. so if you have kids or pets anaglypta wallpaper could be the perfect choice for you.

Anaglypta Wallpaper – Dado Panels
Try using Anaglypta dado panels as these are on trend and instantly add decadence to a room. This is a vintage style that has been replicated to modern styles and trends. Again easy to paint again and again. This anaglypta embossed wallpaper is also perfect if you have an old house and the walls are not in great shape or perfect. It can save the expense and mess of re plastering. This patterned anaglypta wallpaper covers a lot of imperfect walls.
This cheap anaglypta wallpaper, and when I say cheap I do not mean cheap quality. I merely refer to it being cheap as it costs less to re decorate as you just paint this wallpaper. Also if you require a pattern on your celling this textured anaglypta wallpaper is perfect for ceilings. And once again if your ceilings are imperfect this could be an excellent choice.

Painting Anaglypta
When painting anaglypta wallpaper its easy as ABC. No prepping is required. Although if it is badly scuffed you may wish to gently sand these down. Again going back to my childhood I remember my mum decorating the main hallway with anaglypta wallpaper. And every so often she would just repaint the whole room. Maybe change the pictures on the walls and some furniture. She must have had the wallpaper up for over 10 years before she decided to change it. I think the fact that we was not causing much damage helped. But it stood the test time and lots of school bags and shoes being thrown against it.
That is why anaglypta wallpaper is perfect as well for stairways and I have lost count at the amount of anaglypta wallpaper seen when I stay at hotels and b&b’s. And it doesn’t have to be same pattern as we have lots of modern patterns such as anaglypta brick wallpaper, anaglypta panel wallpaper and the traditional woodchip paintable wallpaper.

Woodchip Wallpaper
Woodchip wallpaper is a saint wallpaper if you are looking to decorate on a budget. Especially if your walls are really old and showing lots of imperfections but you do not have the budget to be able to take the walls back to the brick and re plaster. This is a massive job and very messy not to mention costly. So if your looking for a wallpaper that will just cover bumps and cracks in the wall this could be a choice for you. Woodchip wallpaper again is easy to paint and paint again and again. I have even seen celling’s papered with this design.
Ingrain (or wood-chip) wallpaper is a decorating material. It consists of two layers of paper with wood fibre in between. Different kinds of ingrain wallpaper are distinguished by the size and form of the fiber pieces. Woodchip wallpaper is the most commonly used type of wallpaper in Germany. It was also commonplace in the United Kingdom from the 1960s onwards.
The only issue why people now have moved to anaglypta from woodchip is that woodchip sadly can be hard to remove if layers of paint have been added over the years. So it may be best to sit down and weigh up the pro’s and con’s of this woodchip wallpaper. Saying that you can always pay an expert to come in and do the job for you.
Go On Change Your Interiors
So I hope this blog on anaglypta wallpaper has helped you make that decision on covering your walls. This wallpaper never seems to age or date which again if you re paint it in the on trend colours of that season that will always be the case. Its hardwearing and durable qualities you will not find elsewhere. So its up to you to decorate half the walls with the panel effect style and finish off with a dado rail. Or you could paper all walls with a patterned anaglypta wallpaper. Or just decorate a feature wall and change the colour as often as you wish.